Do You Have a Homemade Record Cleaning Machine?

Hi everyone,

For use in a future website, I'm interested in gathering photos of homemade RCMs. If you've built your own RCM, I'd greatly appreciate receiving a photo together with a paragraph or two of text about why you built your own, how much it cost, how well it works, etc. Your real name, your Audiogon name, or no identification -- all at your choice -- can be used in connection with your photo and text.

Thanks, everyone, for your kind assistance.

Best regards,
Thanks, Dan. Aceto, it's not for a Rube Goldberg project. Rather, I'd like these to collect in a section of a website about record cleaning. My purpose is to show newbies (and perhaps some not-so-newbies) that very effective homemade RCMs can be made for not a lot of dollars. I suspect that the cost of commercial RCMs keeps quite a few from getting one or from entering the vinyl world altogether.

How do you post photos in a thread? If I knew, I could post a couple photos of my own homemade RCM. Any volunteers to teach me ... or post for me?

Best regards to all,
Posting pics to the thread is supposed to be so easy, and it probably is, but I've never been able to get it to work. The simplest thing is to post it to your system.
Paul - I haven't forgotten that I need to send you some pictures of my RCM - I just haven't quite finished it yet. My equipment rack finally made it here and I've been busy setting it up and setting up my turntable. Maybe this weekend....
