do you isolate your mains distribution block?

I've found the sound changes dependent on the surface the block rests on.Carpet, wooden floor,myrtle blocks - all alter the sound. Should this component be treated as seriously as the hardware regards isolation?

The answer to this could be tricky...
If you are deep into audiophilia, then the answer is "yes"!
Industry gurus like Pierre Sprey of Mapleshade and Mr. Walker of Walker audio believe that you should treat it like any component. They like thick maple platform with brass footers.
If you do not want to go to that extend(it depends how sick you are :) )at least keep it away from the carpet which can negatively interfere with the AC power delivery because of the electromagnetic fields sourrounding anything and everything that carries AC...
Bottom Line: Personal experimentation is the most important thing to do when it comes to your setup, your personal taste, your music, your ears, your ...
Please, experiment and try to report back with your findings...This is how a community benefits...