Do you leave your components on 24/7?

Lately I've been leaving my components on all the time, on the assumption that a) they'll be ready when I want to listen, and b) the on/off cycle ages the equipment (tubes, anyway) faster than leaving everything on. Is the latter a reasonable assumption?
First, I think using SS amps as lightbulbs wouldn't work at all...very difficult to screw in...secondly, I've always used dimmers...they save a ton and don't trigger seizures and distribute mercury pollution like compact flourescents. This thread reminds me of the days when high end purpose built speaker cable first arrived on the was always compared to "lamp cord", yet nobody tested the speaker wire in lamps. I bet a lamp wired up with high end speaker wire would have better photon distribution and cleaner shadow definition.
hmmm, looks like opining vs factual experience being offered. Having had tweeters mysteriously blow while I was out, I exercise caution.

1)digital electronics like DAC, CD, I turn off when done

2) pre amp since tubes, always on (2 hour warm up for peak sound otherwise). Given CJ build quality I find it hard to believe anything short of lightning strike could harm it.

3) Solid state amp, I always turn off when done to protect speakers and turn on 1 hour before playing to get full warm up for Class A operation.
I always turn off my tube amps (never leave them on unattended). They take 20 minutes to warm up.However,I never turn off my cd player. It has been on since getting it. If it has turned off (power outage or moving equipement around) it will take a full day before it starts to sounds good.

I leave my system powered-up all the time. I wouldn't do so with a tube amp, but I find my heavily modified cj PV-12L sounds better with the tubes warm all the time. More importantly, the tubes last longer that way IMO.

From a safety and efficiency point of view for electronics, it is not good to leave anything on all the time unattended. It makes no sense whatsoever despite what people tell you. First a well broken in piece of equipment will be ready in about 15 minutes, and in this case, if a person can't turn it out first, do something for 15 minutes (like get a book or a good glass of wine, etc.) then that person really doesn't have time to listen anyway. Second, life of tube equipment or solid state for that matter degenerates quickly by leaving it on for long periods of time. It is funny how people wouldn't think twice about turning off all the lights and other components when not in use, but it is perfectly okay (for them) to leave massive amps and electronics on. For tube equipment, the tubes have a very finite life time, which will be eaten up very quickly if left on. For solid state, they also have a life cycle. But,the most important thing, is that it really doesn't take long to warm up equipment. So, save electricity and do it when you are ready to listen. to each their own. However, for me, 15 minutes and my system is ready to go and quite honestly, it sounds wonderful immediately after turning it on. I need time to get a snack, book and wine anyway, so that is fine for me.
