From a safety and efficiency point of view for electronics, it is not good to leave anything on all the time unattended. It makes no sense whatsoever despite what people tell you. First a well broken in piece of equipment will be ready in about 15 minutes, and in this case, if a person can't turn it out first, do something for 15 minutes (like get a book or a good glass of wine, etc.) then that person really doesn't have time to listen anyway. Second, life of tube equipment or solid state for that matter degenerates quickly by leaving it on for long periods of time. It is funny how people wouldn't think twice about turning off all the lights and other components when not in use, but it is perfectly okay (for them) to leave massive amps and electronics on. For tube equipment, the tubes have a very finite life time, which will be eaten up very quickly if left on. For solid state, they also have a life cycle. But,the most important thing, is that it really doesn't take long to warm up equipment. So, save electricity and do it when you are ready to listen. to each their own. However, for me, 15 minutes and my system is ready to go and quite honestly, it sounds wonderful immediately after turning it on. I need time to get a snack, book and wine anyway, so that is fine for me.