Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both?

Just curious to see if people listen to their music with their eyes opened or closed or a combination of both. I’ve tried it both ways, but find it difficult to keep my eyes closed for a long period of time.


I listen with eyes open. At live shows, I have eyes open because part of the experience is watching the musicians interact with the audience and each other. I wear glasses and have tried with/without. There is a perceived positive difference without but not enough to require going full-time without. YMMV

Who needs glasses when the mind has perfect vision....;)


@asvjerry , . . . he’s outside looking in . . .

Maybe I am the odd man out.  I find it best with my eyes open.  I feel as though I am watching the musicians on the sound stage.  Location and depth of instrument placement, the main/front singer and the backup singers' locations.  It just all seems to come together better when I am watching the music unfold directly in front of me.  And of course, I sometimes drift off a bit, my eyes close, and I definitely enjoy that too.  Watching the music, along with listening to it, is part of the total experience.