Do you need a Roon Ready device to stream Roon?

I've been considering a Hegel integrated, but I want Roon before the unknown day comes they'll be Roon Ready. Can I feed USB from a Roon Nucleus to stream Roon in a Hegel, or any USB dac for that matter? Yes, I've seen the threads in Roon Labs sort of hinting at this and a rep from Roon said that you can stream Roon via USB into Hegel integrated amps.............but the language they use doesn't make me 100% confident this is true. Also, due to the condescending nature of the Hegel dealer in my area, I'd prefer to not to inquire or have them demo in their store. Thanks in advance for your help. 
They’re both connected to the router and therefore on the same network and able to “see” each other and send information back and forth. Both are also connected to the internet in this scenario and able to check Roon’s site for updates.

No different from two devices connected on wifi being able to see each other and interact, I think you’re overthinking it maybe?
Thanks @for the direct answer. Yes. I guess overthinking for the remedial is a curse. I lost site of the fact that internet data can flow in both directions. Thanks
Thanks @for the direct answer. Yes. I guess overthinking for the remedial is a curse. I lost site of the fact that internet data can flow in both directions. Thanks
To make it even more fun for you the easiest way to control roon core and endpoint is through a third device like a tablet which runs the roon interface. The tablet needs to be on the same network and this is where you’ll find and play your music and integrate with Tidal or Qobuz.