
Discussions hudsonhawk has started

Moving into an apartment with wood joist floors - worried about neighbors hearing353362
Good rack with an integrated TV mount9424
Help me tame my out of control bass518559
Best isolation platform for a turntable with suspension?905631
Yet another Integrated vs Separates advice post954539
DAC recommendation in the $1k range827920
Bel Canto and Wyred monos561715
Help me select a new remote preamp on a budget39306
Outboard surround decoder?40584
Are planar speakers less prone to room interaction548814
Arcam Alpha 9 phono stage question58784
Will an anti-jitter / upsampling device pass AC3?28905
Best version of Velvet Underground & Nico?28155
Roger Waters remasters?32078
Small form factor, budget DACs?3065162