Do you think audiophiles are the most gullible hobbyists

They seem to fall for anything. I have had other hobbies before and people seem to be more sensible. What is it about Audiophiles that makes them so gullible?

I suspect gentle readers here are capable of deciding who’s actually doing all the squealing like a pig. But getting back to the original question as to whether audiophiles are the most gullible folks around, I suggest if an audiophile suspects foul play or suspects someone is taking advantage of him, or is feeling a little naive and vulnerable Lol perhaps with the cost of electronics or cables or the efficacy of some new high tech widget, who knows, then it’s incumbent on that person to satisfy his skepticism and curiosity and head to the library or go on line, Google is your friend. Sometimes the most difficult question can be answered rather rapidly. Of course the impossibly difficult questions take a little bit longer. Lol

You're a phony Geoff and so are your products.
Magic Pebbles, Colored Dots, Teleportation Tweaks. 
End of lesson. 

Fortunately I’ve never been one to pay much attention to angry foaming at the mouth wannabees. Now it really is the end of the discussion.

Or is it? I'm betting there will be more whining and bleating.
I visit Switzerland every year. I have yet to see a "happy" Swiss citizen. Try greeting a Swiss stranger with a smile. No eye contact whatsoever, and the greeter is treated as if invisible. I would not live in Switzerland if it were given to me.
Tarp38, what you say is so and is in the culture  of all the loosely
Germanic cultures both in German speaking countries and Scandinavian countries .
BUT , the reason is friendship is treated FAR more serious in these lands and holds many more obligations .
As a  Finnish friend of mine said, "Americans are warm on the outside and cold on the inside , Finns the opposite " .
From my years living in Germany I think he was spot on.
In general, what we consider a close friend would be thought of as an acquaintance .Took me 4-5 years to get used to but in the end I think it makes for a deeper life .