Does a CD Transport need to be HDCD ALSO?

I have a 1992 Krell MD10. I am in the process of buying a Mark Levinson 36s DAC with HDCD. Does the transport have anything to do with being able to play HDCD or is it all done with the DAC?

Thanks in advance.
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The one requirement on the transport is that the output bitstream be an exact copy of the data on the disc.

Some transports (Wadia 270, and at least one ML model I can't remember) perform resolution enhancement by dithering the orginal data on the disc to generate a new bitstream with more bits per sample (24 in the Wadia's case).

On these transports resolution enhancement must be switched off to retain the HDCD encoding in the output bitstream.

Similarly any resolution enhancing digital processor (Genesis Digital Lens, AA DTI Pro family, etc) in the signal chain must have enhancement turned off.
Good points Ghostrider. Thanks for taking ALL of the factors into consideration. Some of the "extra's" are sometimes easy to overlook. Sean
I really appreciate the help you all have given me. I now THINK I understand what it all means. The main reason I was confused is I saw a transport somewhere that said HDCD.

Thanks again to everyone.
Don't forget that many discs are not identified as having HDCD encoding, but do have the sub-code embedded within.

HDCD is a marked improvement over non-encoded discs and forces me to use vinyl, when available, for the source material instead of non-encoded music.

Still staying away from DVD-A or SACD until they settle their production plans.