No a cheap streamer please remember the 4-1 ratio
which I learned owning a audio store in a $3k streamer only $750 actually goes into theProduct including packaging and fantastic stock power cord !
the ddc has better filtering and like the Hermes a High quality clock.
a separate dac is a must if you truly want the best sound ,
if you have a newer modem - router combo go to Linear Tube Audio
they make a great Zlinear PowerSupply and comes with-a very good DC cableto go to the router ,a 3.1 docsis is the latest I bought the motorola 8702 much better and faster ,this linear powersupply made a big difference in fidelity
and Ethernet switch upgrade the SW8 is a excellent buy under $600 with a OCxo over controlled lock,and linear power supply , on both at leasta decent powercord
like Pangea awg14 se mk2 , and decent Ethernet cables ,bare minimum $200 -$500+ much better still ,usb also . I am speaking in doing this no matter what dac,and streamer you buy it counts in lower noise better fidelity.