Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?
I’ve yet to call Schiit about the problem.
Schiit doesn't use telephones. Email only. And even then, their customer service (or lack thereof) leaves something to be desired.
Sorry to hear of your issues. You must be dissappointed. Hopefully you didnt damage anything through misuse and it is covered under warranty.
Thank you.
i dont think there are any misuse issues.
i simply tried the unit with two different transports.
Equipment from the best dealers does not require a break in time; however, dealers who do not accept returns, or those who go all out to avoid them, say that 3 months is necessary. This coincides with how long a credit card charge can be disputed.

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