Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?
A big complaint with the now popular CXC is the all in one remote. I have found that Cambridge uses the common Phillips RC-5 protocol meaning many remotes will work with it. I had a remote from my Classe CDP-1 that to my surprise not only worked but the numeral buttons allowed direct track access. This means the CXC has the software to perform this function but marketing decided to have one remote for their whole component line.
Anyways I am very happy with mine post break-in.

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It’s aggravating to find out the CXC is capable of accessing tracks but can’t because of marketing!
Also, I’m having issues with  mistracking on the unit.
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I have had the Cambridge Transport for two months and I did hear some improved difference in the sound of the transport going into the Gumby DAC over a five day period of use. Strangely the subjective output volume of the DAC  (which is supoose to be constant) seemed to wax and wane with the break in period. In addition I too have had on and off problems with the dac accepting the signal from the Cambridge transport. Like you I previously used an OPPO 103 as a transport to the Gumby dac and for the most part did not have too many problems with signal lock. However on some occasions I would experience problems with the OPPO/DAC signal lock. I have no idea why? I purchased the Cambridge Transport thinking it would be superior to the OPPO as a Transport. To my ears it is superior in sound to the OPPO; and for the most part I have not experienced any signal lock problems. HOWEVER when I put the Cambridge transport on pause I do hear a clicking though the DAC.  It is very irritating and I have no idea what to make of it? It is my inclination given that I have experienced problems with signal lock with both the OPPO and the Cambridge that there is something amiss with the GUMBY. It's a pain in the ass to box up the dac and send it back to Schitt but I may do it? Forget about calling Schitt and asking them whats up. They have lousy phone support!!!!! (Many of my audiophile friends have also experienced customer phone support problems with Schitt). Sorry about the problems you are having. One last thing I use a very good silver coax digital interconnect (audio sensibility) between the transport and the Gumby. It seems to my hears and many of my colleagues ears to be superior to some of the other mid priced digital interconnects out there. 
Best wishes