does a stereo system sound like live music ?

i believe that a stereo system recreates about 10 % of what a live orchestra sounds like.

therefore, i also believe that a $350 Brookstone personal stereo based on the nxt technology sounds closer to most stereo systems, at any cost, than most stereo systems do when reproducing the sound of an orchestra.
"the point of this thread is to observe the futility of configuring a stereo system and expecting it to sound like live music....."

And you want to have philosophical discussions with anyone foolish enuf to believe that they will ever have a audio system in their home that sounds like live music.......go figure.

For the sake of your consistency meter, as I said in another thread, your posts are like fishing in a trout farm pond with an empty hook..........

As to personal attacks, what can I say but that you are so effective at setting yourself up for them, even I can't resist, and I'm one of the nice guys here. :-)

If I may be so bold as to suggest, if you really want to enjoy real dialog with forum participants stop setting up rediculous good v bad situations in which you intend to be a 'moderator' and utlimately win the debating contest by implementing your of your newly discovered use of logic (see, in another post you set your self up for that comment as well, sorry - the devil made me do it.)

You may be please to know that this will be my last post on any of your meaningless threads. If you have something interesting to share or assistance you may need I will, as I alread have, happily respond.

Good luck.
Post removed 
The real hole in the argument:

Cheap gear vs expensive gear is a real choice (given access to enough cash).

Gear (any sort) vs live music is not a real choice:
Hey, should I put on a cd or run out to see a show tonight?

You make your hardware decision based on your own personal diminishing returns analysis for that purchase.

Then - go out and see a show!
"the other thought is to give you guys someone to attack. it's cheaper than going to a therapist, beating your wife, or other anti-social behavior."

Hmmm, I think MrTennis might like punishment. Quick, get the Cat O 9 Tails!
Hmm, looks like to me our Dr. Pingpong is actually the one who is enjoying the show of the little golden carps in the pond swimming frantically after the mechanical froggie! 'member guys and gals. . . keep smilin' or the old ticker may start a'rattlin'!