Does Age Matter?

Having read and contributed to several threads on the digital vs analog controversy I developed a nagging itch that suggested it is older people that prefer analog and younger people digital. If this is the case than there is most definitely a nostalgic element to that opinion. Perhaps we can answer that question. I will go first. Please do not ruminate on the differences. Age and preference, digital, analog or both! We'll tally the results at the end. 

I am 67 and like Both analog and digital.
67 yo.  I have about 50/50 vinyl and digital.  Love both.  Have learned that the quality of the original production makes all the difference in the world of how the sound comes out.  I've got a great TT and CD player and overall system.  I have CD's that sound better than LP's, and LP's that sound better than CD's.  Love the music!
57 and digital.  Last year I took the leap to digital streaming and never looked back.  Turned out to be a good move on my part due to the current situation.  I have been exposed to so much more music I would never have heard otherwise. 
I'm 68   lost my LPs years ago in a flood

Guess I am a bit lazy but streaming Tidal through a realy good DAC  works well for me, particularly in my office.      I listen to SACD's  or stream on my main set-up  (cary 200Ts  into cary Slp98P with mods) when I just want to chill and focus on the music. 
I am 73 and really hate it when some hot young chick who would have said heya guy thirty years ago opens with, Sir. Digital here. About 750 CDs in the library but most are from the digital stone ages 20 - 25 years ago, and some longer. For playback I have a Sony XA 5400 ES CD/SACD player and a Cambridge CXN (V2) both now running digital into a Benchmark DAC 3b. There are many streaming radio stations that have quality that simply kills an old CD if you take the time to find them.Streaming Tidal kills old CDs easily too. Have had zero drop outs since I went Ethernet Cat 7 to the CXN.
Image side to side full stage and realistic depth superimposed upon my listening room..
73. Had an extensive LP collection, VPI record cleaner, upscale turntable etc. about 3 systems ago. Now all digital.
Got tired of keeping records clean, tone arms/cartridges adjusted.
Life size scale and impact are keys to my listening and I can get that with digital sources.