Does an integrated DAC/Headphone amp exist?

Im looking for a cost effective way of having decent sound and work. Loudspeakers are out of the question so headphones are the ticket. I was wondering if such a device exists as to not take up too much space on my desk as well as limit the cost of cabling. I would like to keep the cost under $1000 for the headphones, cabling, DAC and amp. I want somthing that is musical and easy to listen to for 8-9 hours a day and I prefer over the ear style 'phones and open air designs as to still be able to communicate with coworkers without removing the headphones each time to talk. I would be using my PC as the source. Can anyone recommend a good starting point for each peice of this puzzle? Thanks
Try HeadRoom. Here's the link that you might find useful Micro Line. I am running a slightly different set-up on one of their earlier amps, and I can run everything by battery for portable use, with the Sony CD Walkman D-NE920 [has optical toslink output].

I would also recommend going with the Senn. 650's rather than the 600's. Contact me if you need any advise, I've been trying different cables and batteries....working with this system for about 9 months, so I can give you some tips!
I'm wondering if anyone makes a small control-amp/DAC combo for use not just with headphones, but also powering small speakers?
One of the Chinese gear importers has a tube usb dac/hp amp listed on a fairly regular basis. Never heard it, forget the name. Doubt it could drive speakers, but maybe high eff single drivers???

Aside from those mentioned, two that I have should do the trick -

Meier Audio Corda Opera - Headphone Amp, DAC, and Preamp @ USD 1,000: and,

PS Audio GCHA Headphone Amp & DAC @ USD 995.

Sorry . . . just saw that you wanted to keep the cost USD 1K including headphones. That said, just saw a GCHA go here on the 'Gon for about USD 700. If you could find a similar catch, you'll be in business. If you can't and are willing to stretch, either of these would likely serve you well for a long long time.

PS - Just curious, does the 325is in your moniker refer to your ride??
Another vote for the Benchmark Dac 1. You can buy the Sennheiser HD580s for $129 on close out shipped from Amazon and you will have a very nice sound.