Does an integrated DAC/Headphone amp exist?

Im looking for a cost effective way of having decent sound and work. Loudspeakers are out of the question so headphones are the ticket. I was wondering if such a device exists as to not take up too much space on my desk as well as limit the cost of cabling. I would like to keep the cost under $1000 for the headphones, cabling, DAC and amp. I want somthing that is musical and easy to listen to for 8-9 hours a day and I prefer over the ear style 'phones and open air designs as to still be able to communicate with coworkers without removing the headphones each time to talk. I would be using my PC as the source. Can anyone recommend a good starting point for each peice of this puzzle? Thanks

I dont completley understand what your recommending with your last post, could you please clarify?

Maybe my ealier post is confusing. Now that i know that a good deal of DACs have a headphone output i could then use said DAC in a double duty way, at home for reference listening as well as at work. I would then have to bring the DAC to work when i felt like it. The Denon will be staying in my 2 channel setup. The reason i was asking about DACs and hp amps was to use my PC at work as the source since i have a good amount of tunes on the hard drive. Maybe this helps. Thanks
This thread got my noggin spinning and I after some research and experimenting, I'm at this moment hearinq very accurate sound reproduction via my iMac, $40 iMic, CIAudio VHP 1 headphone amp($350), and Grado SR 60 headphones ($70). My wife's better ears affirmed my findings.

What really blows me away is this $40 iMic which I have been using very succesfully for digitizing my LPs and cassettes is proving to be an extraordinary USB DAC bargain. Does anyone know what kind of DAC chip this little thing uses? Or perhaps my wife and I are deaf. A salesman at a reputable hi-fi store told me that anyone who couldn't hear the difference between tubes and ss has to be deaf.

No, never owned a Bimmer, however, my Dad owned the same exact year and model. He loved it and, like you, got several 100K miles out of it (all on the first motor) before handing it over to one of my brothers. Classic style, great performance, and built like a tank - your a lucky guy.

Back to DAC / transport question . . . yes, the Denon 2900 would do just fine. Given your desire to take in back and forth to work, the Benchmark DAC1 would be a good choice and quite portable at the same time. If you can stretch the budget or find one used, the Grace M902, as suggested above, would be another great choice.

As far as cans [ headphones for you newbies ... :) ] go, any one of the Senn 5XX series or the AKG 601 would be a great start. If your budget permits, the Senns HD650 or AKG 701 would take you right up to the very top tier of open air phones.

Happy hunting and please update us on whichever way you go.

Thanks everyone for all the input, this whole idea is boss dependent. He has yet to okay the idea but lets hope he will. Until then thanks, Justin
Justin- did not understand your first post. Thought you wanted to use the Denon as your source. You have it correct. and here are many usb/dacs and some that are usb/dac/hp amp. For a really comprehensive run-down, check out