Does anybody have Totem Arro's and CJ tubes?

I heard the Arro's at the Hi Fi show and loved them. (I want a floor stander & they fit my budget.)

I am looking to purchase a pair to go with my Conrad Johnson MV-55 45 watt tube amp (NOS tubes - RCA, Mullard, & Svetlanas)& passive preamp.

I listen to Classical & Jazz at 75 db max. Room is 11.5 x 20 x 8.

Dealer is cautioning that my amp won't work well. My feeling is that it should. Does anybody have any experience that would help?

i'm using them with a jolida 302a, i've also listened to them on a variety of solid state gear (this is my first tube piece) and found the sound to be different but by no means unpleasant. i do believe my jolida is not the same level of build quality of CJ equipment nor that much wattage, so I'm sure you'll be QUITE happy with your setup as-is. I do suggest totem's speaker wire (at least give it a try, at an approx. $4-5 retail a foot, it's a steal) - 2 runs to the mid driver and 1 to the tweeter should do it.
Thanks for the responses so far.

Dmoffitt: Why did you choose the single wire Tress over Totem's bi-wire cables? I now have Audioquest Type 4+ single wire and wonder how these compare.
I simply happened to have a 12ft length of single tress sitting around and wanted to hook them up and start listening. i much prefer the sound of it over the type-2 I had kicking around and even feel it bests CV-6 (the AQ had more bass extension but the very high end on the tress seem cleaner / less edgy). Wire is SO system dependent tho, I actually preferred the AQ cable until I modded the Jolida, so obviously your experience might vary. Ideally I think I'm going to end up buying some AQ KE-4 or a similar silver cable or the Totem bi-wire (I'm hoping to audition both shortly).
Good thread... Has anyone compared these to "higher-end" monitors such as B&W 805sig, Dynaudio S1.4, Joseph RM7si, Snell K.5mk2, Dali Helco 300 ? I have a MV60 and I'm looking for a speaker <$3K that will do it justice. I've heard the arrows but have not been able to do a side-by-side with any of the above favorites. Note I will be using it with a really good sub so the low-end is not a problem. I'm looking for the best disappearing, depth and space I can find.
I have been interested in the Arro's, but my Cary DJH Superamp has 8 ohm speaker taps, and the Arro's are 4 ohm (and only 87db efficient). I have found that tube amps like a heavier ohm load, or they loose bass weight. When properly matched ohm loads are present, speakers sound well balanced, but when a lower ohm load is present they loose bass and the Midrange jumps out front with a very fatiguing forward sound. Anyone else have this experience?

It was dramatically demonstarted on my Mesa Baron, which had a 4/8 ohm switch which I could use on-the-fly. I had Tannoy D-70 speakers which are rated 6 ohm Nominal/4 ohm Minimum, but read 2.6 ohm at the binding posts with an OHM meter. They sounded great on 8 ohm, anemic on 4 ohm.
