Does anybody have Totem Arro's and CJ tubes?

I heard the Arro's at the Hi Fi show and loved them. (I want a floor stander & they fit my budget.)

I am looking to purchase a pair to go with my Conrad Johnson MV-55 45 watt tube amp (NOS tubes - RCA, Mullard, & Svetlanas)& passive preamp.

I listen to Classical & Jazz at 75 db max. Room is 11.5 x 20 x 8.

Dealer is cautioning that my amp won't work well. My feeling is that it should. Does anybody have any experience that would help?

Thanks for the responses so far.

Dmoffitt: Why did you choose the single wire Tress over Totem's bi-wire cables? I now have Audioquest Type 4+ single wire and wonder how these compare.
I simply happened to have a 12ft length of single tress sitting around and wanted to hook them up and start listening. i much prefer the sound of it over the type-2 I had kicking around and even feel it bests CV-6 (the AQ had more bass extension but the very high end on the tress seem cleaner / less edgy). Wire is SO system dependent tho, I actually preferred the AQ cable until I modded the Jolida, so obviously your experience might vary. Ideally I think I'm going to end up buying some AQ KE-4 or a similar silver cable or the Totem bi-wire (I'm hoping to audition both shortly).
Good thread... Has anyone compared these to "higher-end" monitors such as B&W 805sig, Dynaudio S1.4, Joseph RM7si, Snell K.5mk2, Dali Helco 300 ? I have a MV60 and I'm looking for a speaker <$3K that will do it justice. I've heard the arrows but have not been able to do a side-by-side with any of the above favorites. Note I will be using it with a really good sub so the low-end is not a problem. I'm looking for the best disappearing, depth and space I can find.
I have been interested in the Arro's, but my Cary DJH Superamp has 8 ohm speaker taps, and the Arro's are 4 ohm (and only 87db efficient). I have found that tube amps like a heavier ohm load, or they loose bass weight. When properly matched ohm loads are present, speakers sound well balanced, but when a lower ohm load is present they loose bass and the Midrange jumps out front with a very fatiguing forward sound. Anyone else have this experience?

It was dramatically demonstarted on my Mesa Baron, which had a 4/8 ohm switch which I could use on-the-fly. I had Tannoy D-70 speakers which are rated 6 ohm Nominal/4 ohm Minimum, but read 2.6 ohm at the binding posts with an OHM meter. They sounded great on 8 ohm, anemic on 4 ohm.

btrvalik, I think the stuff from totem blows away the 805 (regular, haven't heard the sig). the 805 would have been the next logical step for me to take, from CDM 1NTs but I didn't feel it was enough of an improvement for the money, and preferred the rather different direction the Arro took me in. Now I own Forests and couldn't be happier!!