@krelldreams Roger asked for specs... the only spec I know of is “1.2k” hand written on the bottom of the case. This was only a test anyway since I’d need more than the single input this one provides. I was not aware that Music Reference made passive devices (?).
I am considering both tubed and solid state phono preamps. Any design parameters that I should be paying attention to? Any designs to avoid? I currently only need one for a high-output MC cartridge (MM gain and loading), but I plan on trying other cartridges in time as well. I’m not opposed to getting a step up device if a cartridge I get in the future needs one.
BTW, i looked up the Axiom. If you have an ohm meter just connect it to the input jack and output jack and get some numbers. Non of them are good for long runs as we all know. If yours is 1.2 K ohms thats a rather low number unless the source is much lower.
For you preamp you need to focus on S/N ratio and RIAA accuracy and distortion which should be nill. If you find a measured review I will look at it. You want at east 60-70 dB signal to noise ratio at the output of YOUR cartridge.
We might build a few phono preamps on special order. The one I have developed for Clio has is all tube start to finish, 3 gains, 12 loadings, tape EQ available (he likes 15 ips tape). It uses only 4 tubes which I am rather proud of as most will use more and give you more trouble.
I tried a FET front end some years ago and just did not like it. A Low noise FET is about the same noise as a SLN 6922, so there is no noise advantage there. You can get the lowest noise with transformer inputs, but then you have to deal with placement issure and the sound of the transformers.