You’re gonna hate me: My amps are Conrad Johnson Premier 12 monoblocks and an old Eico HF81.
BTW, since you asked about hearing "the other side" for power cords:
I was cured of power-cord-fever early on. I had been given a selection of Shunyata power cords to try, from their least expensive to very expensive. I didn’t think I heard any difference between the less expensive Shunyata cables and my 15 dollar power cable (On CD players, etc). But I thought the most expensive cable seemed to obviously change the sound. (Darker, smoother, more lush). To double-check I had a pal help me do a blind test between that cable and the 15 dollar cable. Once I didn’t know which cable was being used, all the "obvious" sonic differences I thought I was hearing vanished and I couldn’t tell them apart. Saved a bunch of money there! I haven’t worried about pricey cables since. (I’ve gone on to blind test other components, sometime identifying differences, sometimes not).
You’re gonna hate me: My amps are Conrad Johnson Premier 12 monoblocks and an old Eico HF81.
BTW, since you asked about hearing "the other side" for power cords:
I was cured of power-cord-fever early on. I had been given a selection of Shunyata power cords to try, from their least expensive to very expensive. I didn’t think I heard any difference between the less expensive Shunyata cables and my 15 dollar power cable (On CD players, etc). But I thought the most expensive cable seemed to obviously change the sound. (Darker, smoother, more lush). To double-check I had a pal help me do a blind test between that cable and the 15 dollar cable. Once I didn’t know which cable was being used, all the "obvious" sonic differences I thought I was hearing vanished and I couldn’t tell them apart. Saved a bunch of money there! I haven’t worried about pricey cables since. (I’ve gone on to blind test other components, sometime identifying differences, sometimes not).