Does anyone else think this

I was going through the current edition of the absolute sound. They featured the best products for the year. A lot of those products are big speakers and amplifiers. I was thinking in about 20 years when most of the baby boomers are retiring or passing on that these products will wind up in landfills or be boat anchors. The generation behind us has no interest in speakers as big as a house or giant amps that take up floor space. They see these as a complete waste of space and disgusting. The few times younger people have seen my system they always comment " why do you have all that stuff, and what does it do"
When I make changes in my system I rely in part on the ears of my 28-year-old son. He can hear well in every sense. I like to think that when he has the bucks he'll invest in a good system. We'll see (of course, when I was his age I had gone through countless Mac pre-amps, a few amps and several pairs of speakers).
If audio had the advertising budget of modern day electronics (iPhones, laptops, etc.) we'd all be talking a different tune. One can't count the number of TV, radio and print ads we see and hear on a daily basis that hawk those goods.

We forget we live in our own little universe, dwarfed by a much bigger one that has the resources to bombard these 'kids' with the benefit of their wares.

All the best,
Cassette tape is where it's at, with lightweight earphones. No house power, no interconnects, no speakers. Well, you know the drill.
We've priced the big stuff out of reach of the young. Many have neither the money nor the space for it. So big rigs are rejected, and with that rejection, also the laws of physics. They've bought into the marketing of convenience and portability as the new priorities.