Does anyone on this Forum have any experience with Audio research ref 610t monoblocks

Good afternoon. 
I have a chance to pick up a set of very nice Audio research ref 610t monoblocks . I believe there rated at 600 wpc, class A, or A/B, not sure. I think they use around 16-20 tubes. It’s a older amp, older technology. But in the 70s they sold for around 40k for the set. Anyways, I wanted to know if anyone here on the board has a pair, has heard them, and get your honest opinion. How do they sound? Are they noisy? 
How would you compare them say to a Prima Luna,, etc, etc. I know they are super heavy, I think 170 pounds each . And the tubes can be expensive. But I’m trying to find some people that can tell me there experience with these amps. Thank you



I don’t have one specific system as some. I have a pair of Magico s3 mk2 speakers , boulder Hercules amp, a couple of dedicated dacs, Also a pair of La scala speakers that I already have a Prima Luna amp and Preamp, as well as a pair of Atc 50s. I wasn’t aware that we are only allowed to have one system to be able to discuss audio equipment. My bad. Before I buy or add something to my collection of gear I’d like to ask around . Thank you for your input , much appreciated. I just acquired a Benchmark La4 after all the good feedback for a neutral preamp. Thank all for your recommendations.

Buy them! I  repeat BUY THEM. Obviously, as long as you xan afford it and all that sort of preconsideration. The others are right, at least about the age, they ain't old. 


Buy them, you won’t be sorry. I have a friend who has a pair, so I’ve listened to them several times and I drool each time.  Just remember, they do put off a lot of heat. I’ve teased my friend that we could do Sunday breakfast on them. Bacon on the left and the eggs on the right. 

Let us know what you decide.

The 610T is, of course a class AB amp. If it were class A you'd need to air condition in the winter. But it is class A ay lower output and while I couldn't find at what point it switches from class A I suspect it's more than a few watts(Maybe someone knows the class A rating) and except for peaks I bet it runs in class A most of the time.

If this is still alive, I'd have the amp checked by a competent tech, what's the retube cost and how stable is this amp-- I've owned a fair number of early ARC amps and a few preamps and other components. If the amp checks out, doesn't kill tubes and tube replacement is reasonable, the price should be Not Crazy. 

I was more partial to the lower power -- 75 watt- range of ARC but that was many decades ago, when Bill Johnson was alive. Modern ARC can be good. But know what you are buying.