Does anyone pay the same attention to their car audio?

How many go for the premium audio offered by car companies (& put up with the compromises imposed by all that DSP) & how many go to the trouble of installing their own instead? Or do most throw up their hands & reserve quality listening for home?
I upgraded my F150 audio myself;
But trucks have quite a bit of room to work with.
Get in touch with Crutchfield; great customer service AND they set you up with all the adapters/Kits. 
They've got budget upgrades and High-End component systems.
I've noticed the newer Cars like Subaru, Volkswagon, etc.. already have excellent audio systems in them.
I was thinking of changing out my Kicker 6×9's for some Hertz 6x9's; it can turn into a sickness! Hahaha!
We recently bought a new Honda CR-V. A CD player wasn’t even an available option. Apparently, some car companies believe that everyone has an iPod or MP3 player (they’re wrong). My older car has a CD player, cassette player and even plays DVD Audio discs. I know it’s a sign of the times, but I don’t have to like it. I have had XM Radio for fifteen years and wouldn’t drive without it. Maybe we will look into an aftermarket CD player since we have a houseful of CDs.
I have zero interest in car audio. What with all the road noise and other distractions, the sound could never measure up to my system at home, so why bother.

Another reason it can't compare is because when I listen at home, I close my eyes and get lost in the music. That wouldn't work too well while driving.