Back to Aerosmith.
After getting done some running around I've made it back to my place and am ready to see where I might want to go with the sound of Toys in the attic. The speaker and chair move have settled in and I can hear the stability of this soundstage. To give an idea of the general size the stage is about 8 to 9 feet tall and extends all the way down to the floor. This is great cause there is some great cymbal work on this recording and the end of percussive action has a nice round expansion. The stage is about 20 feet wide and front to back is about 18 feet (14 feet in front of me and 4 feet behind me).
I've decided I wanted that 70's tube sound so I've moved the LTR Tuning Blocks almost to the edges of the CDP with the grain of the wood running front to back. This is a common setting for me when I'm doing Deutsche Grammophon type classical listening. The similarities between some classic rock system settings and many of the classical pieces from DG, Phillips and London can be uncanny at times and one cool thing about a Tunable system in general is almost no recording sound bad, you just have to get used to certain adjustments if you want to really get that stage where you want it.
running in for a listen