Does Cu oxidation away from contact points matter?

I'm thinking specifically of bare copper component leads. If the contact points are soldered, would oxidation along the length of the wire have any appreciable affect on performance? Wouldn't the vast majority of current be carried through the "core" of the wire (that is, everything below the oxidized surfaces)?
Cables of this nature are typically low level performers and using inexpensive copper and dielectric. Subjectively, they sound harsh and irritating. I haven't spent any significant AB time evaluating their sonic liabilities. I have rebuilt power supplies with cupric infested copper and the wire had deteriorated to the point of breaks in strands. That was it for me. If it is green copper, its just not worth the risk. Litz copper will remedy the oxidation, and there are better grades of copper available. I like teflon/ silver/copper or teflon or the new high tech variant of teflon I have seen. Litz is not without some controversy like anything, so you must pick your poison. Litz is hard to terminate and needs a lot of heat to remove the enamel. Jallen
Kijanki, that makes sense to me.

Jallen, can you explain how this "diode" effect negatively impacts performance in this context?
Cupric oxide has a diode effect and should be avoided. If the cable has any "green" creeping down the insulation, toss it. Jallen
Copper oxide "patina" is a very thin (about 0.005") and protects itself from further oxidation. Some current would go thru this layer (that is semiconductor) but majority of the current would go thru the core. I wouldn't worry about it at all. Stranded wire situation is a little bit different, because strands are much smaller and, in addition, current will jump from strand to strand (skin effect) crossing copper oxide layer each time.
Well I've found that the latter principle is bunk due to the skin effect, but even if current is pushed to the surface of the conductor and there is a layer of essentially non-conductive oxide on the surface, wouldn't the vast majority of the current flow in the copper metal just below the layer of oxide? That is, shouldn't the wire then essentially act as a slightly thinner gauge wire where the dielectric surrounding the conductor is copper oxide instead of air?