Does it matter which component I power up first?

I have a Jolida 502brc integrated amp, Jolida J9 phono stage and Origin Live TT. When powering down, I turn volume down all the way, and out of an abundance of caution, switch the input from phono to cd (nothing is hooked up to the cd input) then power off my phono stage, and then power off my amp. My TT stays on all time. When powering up, I switch on amp first, then phono stage. IS THIS CORRECT? DOES IT MATTER???

Thanks for your input and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Why would the order matter? What's the technical reason behind the amp "last on first off" recommendation?
Jea48 is correct
If you turn your amp on first you could get a pop when you turn on the Phono. When you power down you could get a pop if you turn off the phono first. If you do it in the correct order you will not have to move your selector switch at all
Power up/down sequence is VERY important. To power up, I turn on the Manley Chinook phono stage first, followed by the Mystere CA11 tube preamp, Rega Planar 25 turntable, followed by the CODA 10.5r solid state amplifier. To power down, reverse the sequence. Others may have different ideas on what works best. Hope that helps!
Any tube preamp without auto mute should be turned on first and given enough time to stabilize before turning on the amplifier.