Responses from muzikat
Can you recommend Jazz for some one that doesn't like Jazz? Chet Baker Eddie Harris Lonnie Liston Smith Deadato Tom Scott Michael Franks John Klemmer Modern Jazz Quartet If you stream, check out WCLK college radio in Atlanta, Ga great jazz mix | |
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative” Maybe look into a Soulnote A2 in your price range | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp Audio Note ANK works best in a room that size. I know, that’s my exact room size as well. They are made for it. Of course they play well with tubes. Unfortunately they are out of price range new. You can find them close to your budget occasional... | |
Small speaker advice I have a room that measures 11' X 12' Audio Note ANK would work great in that room. Also as said above a version of LS 3/5 would be good. A sleeper brand is NSMT 15SE, really nice speaker. Basically a sealed box design would work best | |
Shouldn’t Do This, but… @goofyfoot glad it worked out | |
Shouldn’t Do This, but… Wear rubber gloves and be ever so careful. Done it many times | |
Naim SuperNait 3 vs Simaudio Ace (Hegel?) I have been a Naim fan/user for many year, so I am biased. Matter of fact I had a Supernait 3. It does not run hot, or even very warm. All Naim gear runs cool You cannot go wrong with Naim. Great sound, great service, great resale. Always avail... | |
Should we care if a piece of equipment comes from a pet-free, kid-free, smoke-free home? I have a dog. I don't let her use my system | |
Dickie Betts died earlier today at 80 years of age Living in Atlanta all my life The Allman Brothers were a big part of my youth. Saw the original Band many times in 1970-71. Usually for free at Piedmont Park. We are indeed growing older and the great music of our youth should be treasured. RIP... | |
Sagging power plugs in wall outlet, diy New wall receptacle, hospital grade if possible. Even if not hospital grade, a brand new one would probably be more snug. A quality power strip is also an option/addition to new receptacle | |
Are You a Swifty? Never heard any of her music...that I know of. Having said that, I don't dislike her, just not interested. | |
Cd player To answer your question...I think the Marantz CD60 would be an excellent choice | |
Humminguru record cleaner @aberyclark been a little while since I had it. I didn't have it very long. I liked what it did more than my VPI, so that's a high endorsement. Since I liked the result so much I went for a DG. I just recall it seemed a bit more finicky. Record f... | |
Humminguru record cleaner Well of course I would have to give the nod to Degritter. I didn't have the Humminguru very long at all, hard to remember exactly. It was very close though. If money is a concern then by all means go with Hummingguru | |
Humminguru record cleaner I had the Humminguru for awhile. I was impressed so much that I went for the Degritter. Both are good Degritter much easier to use, just put in a record hit the button and walk away. Six minutes later viola, clean record. Of course like everything... |