Back when I was too young to buy anything but was developing opinions, I always thought the Marantz components sounded better than the corresponding McIntosh products. Was I influenced by the faceplates? Possibly. But I was also influenced by the sound. In my "middle years', when I started to earn money but was still a technical moron, I am quite sure I was heavily influenced by chassis design and what I read in the audio press. Now that I have become a fairly experienced DIYer, I have no "respect" for any product based only on appearance or the word of a reviewer, most of whom know much less than I do about circuit design. I have come to find out that much of what we call "high end", meaning very expensive, gear is flawed, and I take some pleasure in knowing that I can do better, or at least as well, by modifying a less expensive and/or vintage piece, using information that's now available on the internet or the advice of one or another guru. It's a very liberating state of mind.