Does my 7 channel need some back up?

Need some help here. Primary HT set up. 18x 25 room. Using Def Tech all around. 7004 bi-pole towers. clr2300 center, bpx2's for the surround and back surround. Yamaha rx1500 as pre/pro with a Adcom 7607 doing all the work. I just added the adcom and even though it isn't high end too most on the Gon I noticed a huge improvement. Didn't really have the funds to get into a new pre/pro seeing how i just finished the room and purchased my present system so bought the 7607 off the Gon and am glad i did. Now,after further research and listening i am wondering if and what i should do next. Add a 3 channel amp for the mains and center. I believe Adcom makes one. Or should i run monos or a 2 channel for the mains and leave the 7606 to handle the center. Or is there another way. I have a limited budget so thats why i am looking at Adcom. Also, i figured that using another Adcom/s would match up better since i already have the one. Any suggestions would be a huge help...

Showing 1 response by jeffreybehr

1. I'd look for a powered subwoofer (or 2; I have a pair of Woofers by Bob Dominators) to reproduce those special effects and to relieve your LRs from doing so. I suggest Outlaw or Hsu.
2. On poweramps, unless you buy Outlaw (and I did*), you'll spend a lot of money for very little gain.

And I too am with Snofun and Programmergeek--what don't you like about your system?

* I bought an Outlaw 770, a 7-channel, 200WPC-into-8, 300-into-4, 94-pound monster. It powers the 2 bass modules of my Eminent Technology 8s, both ends of an ET12 and dipolar subwoofer, and both surround channels, and very well indeed. I use Quicksilver V4s, 120 Watts of glorious tubed power per channel, for the MR/treble of the ET8s.