does power cord length matter? fact or myth?

I have read somewhere in a forum that power cords need to be over a meter. I can't remember the reason and I am not sure it was correct anyway. Is this fact or myth? I have a 2 meter power cable that could be used in less than a meter and more than a meter with my system. Will this hurt the performance of the cable if cut in smaller pieces? Maybe brand specific? The cable is a Oyaide Tunami GPX
I have had both one and two meter cables and there is a difference; the two meter ones are longer. Seriously, I could never tell a significant difference between them compared to the differences between the different brands of cables I had.
like Peter Walker from QUAD used to say: "the cable just has to reach the amp" he was talking speaker wire actually...

Also I had Vince from Plinius USA tell me PC length has to be 10 feet exactly for best sound, I never followed up on that one.

WTF? Pixie Dust...
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I have recently reconfigured my system and do not need any cord (power, IC, or SC) over 1M long. In fact, I am going to make a 2-foot long PC tonight to go from a dedicated line to my Isoclean conditioner. I never bought into the whole Mapleshade min. 8 ft. min. speaker cable length, or other min. lengths I have seen posted. There are two many examples of short wire runs within the gear itself. Plus, one way to reduce LCR is to use shorter cables.