Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Showing 12 responses by tbakin63

 Translated from the Latin: "the thing speaks for itself."  

...try a different search engine
Oh god, here we go with oldhvymec’s verbal vomitus and rhetorical mania again. He loves to entertain himself with prose only decipherable to himself. Regards

Yep, aside from real science and the principals of physics, cable burn in is a thing just like saturation is a thing. Auditory hallucinations can be obtained for the price of a coat hanger.

“Self obsessed” - look in the mirror. Inane posts with zero science behind their premises invite just a touch of fact-based common sense
And translated literally from Latin, sir, it means "the thing speaks for itself". I’m not invoking it for purposes of legal doctrine. Daft

Please don’t complain to us about your careless use of a foreign language that you seem to not grasp well
Please don't complain to me about your lazy interpretation
Your name will not be spoken, you will be publicly shunned, you will apologize to all openly and publicly. You and your views and writing will be stricken from the record of the publics mind, they will view it with distain.

You will always be seen for what you are, there will be NO quarter given.

What you produce, is what you will consume.  
You will live and be seen by your works.  
And this sick, twisted crap is allowed to stand?  Moderator, moderator...?
Can I get an Amen? I relish arrogant animosity, especially when it masquerades as something else. The motto here: “display bad manners in response to my reprehensible manners and your post may be removed”. Try it. Let’s see how long these posts last. For shame...

and yes, if only I were more sophisticated and had better hearing and a better system I would hear the difference
How does one go about doing that? 
Here’s the actual text of the private e-mail.   I’ll take bets on who it is (no real mystery here). This followed merciless attacks on me (because of my different opinion) in prior posts in a separate thread by this dude that were apparently removed:

“Shut up and learn some manners. I'm gonna ask you once politely in private.. I know who you are....

Just log back on under your real name, and act like a human, we'll get along just fine...


I have no idea what he’s talking about.  I have one account and post as myself. You can read the thread itself for further psychotic babble in this same vein that follows another post of mine he apparently also found a way to have deleted. 

Good to know and I stand corrected.  If you have the transcript, I will pay you to re-post oldwhatsyhoosit’s response to me.  Otherwise my original post in this thread is out of context and certain of us can continue to pretend priestliness and purity when true nastiness is at the core of who we really are.  
‘Can’t wait for the next mind dump attacking me for being what he is - or for this post to be removed “for other reasons”