I bought a SB Touch last year, OBM and great shape. My computer friend set it up for me to play into my Dac...it's a great dac, using a nice dedicated digital cable via spdif. OK. Used it once, OK.
A few weeks later, the same friend saw a nice upgrade external power supply for it on A'gon and texted me to buy it, so I did. OK. He rigged it for me. It works fine.
Gave me 0.5 TB hard drive filled with pretty good music...Listened to it twice and it's all on the back shelf doing nothing.
Back to listening to my CD player-as-transport into the dac.
A few months later bought a 3TB hard drive which he then stocked up with A LOT more pretty darn good music. Used it with the SB once more. It's OK.
It's back on the back shelf.
Guess I need to give it another chance...
FWIW I type with one finger and use the computer to visit audio sites to read, learn and talk a little audio...
That's really the only way I mix audio and computers so far.
Guess I'm missing out on something?
To answer the topic question: "I wouldn't really know a worthy successor but, you know, my two cents on this topic probably isn't worth the copper it's stamped on..."
On the other hand, I suppose I should really learn more about how to use that SB Duet based transport I recently purchased...[and had my friend set up], it works fine. It's simply called "The Lampizator TranspOrt" and I got it so it will match my Lampi Dac that it's rigged through (the one referred to before). It works fine, (especially with those NOS tubes...). Seems to have a lot going for it. OK. But I've only used it twice...
and it's just sitting on that same...back shelf. Hmmmm