Dolby "ATMOS" surround sound.....

Has anyone heard of this Dolby ATMOS surround sound in theaters and will it be incorporated to our homes in the future.......I hope so........

Regards Bacardi
I actually got a newsletter via e-mail from "Home Theater Review" about this Dolby Atmos Surround Sound. It stated it was used in the Disney Pixar movie "BRAVE" and sounded spectacular. It ups the configurable channels to 64 in a movie theater. We could see it in near future....Who knows???
There is a theater in nearby Burbank, CA that equipped with it and is showing "BRAVE". I'm going to try and see it this weekend just to hear it. I'm sure it's going to be awesome. However, I can't see it ever making it to home cinema. I believe given the space limitations in typical thome theaters, they are already maxed-out with the number of speakers one could put in a home theater. Then there is the problem with new pre-pros adding extra channels. Also, will there be enough movies encoded with the format to make home theater enthusiasts want to re-tool with a new pre-pro and additional speakers. This new format seems to be the province of commercial theaters only. Even in commercial applications, there are only a few theaters equipped to play this format. I don't think home theater will ever see it.