Don't sell your tube amps

Although this was an article in a guitar Magazine, I thought it might interest those who own stereo tube equipment:


Showing 2 responses by mbmi

Tubes will be around for a while longer...there are too many enthusiasts out there in the hi fi world to call for the demise of tubes in the near future.....BUT....Class D is coming like a freight train.....Atmasphere in the lower price points and Aavik in the higher end are both on the fore front of making beautiful , magical music. ..the tubey sound we all love without the drawbacks associated with the tubes themselves.

@ghdprentice.....Correct, And , once you own an electric automobile...You just can't go back to owning a combustion engine...they will have Electrics going 500 miles soon and with thousands of new charging systems being added's only a matter of time.Now they have CAR SHOWS for antique cars, soon Car Shows will be for cars with Combustion engines.  PS. My Tesla is a Rocket Ship...soooo much fun to drive! I have 4 tube amps that I love and an Audio-GD HE1-XLR 10 tube preamp thats out of this world.....But my Aavik and Peachtree GaN 400 amps are just as sweet but with more detail...I guess ,  a Good Class D amp with a good Tubed preamp is like going from a gas engine to an Electric car......It's hard to go back!