Donald Fagen's Nightfly - Love it or Hate it?

I am intrigued by this album. The first time i I heard it I was immediately hooked - I love it's laidback sound with puchy lines and funky beat...

What do you like (or hate) about it?

Fav tracks: New Frontier, Maxine & Nightfly - Your's?

Dewald Visser
Absolutely love it. In addition of everything that's been said so far, it's one of those albums that, played at low level, creates a superb mood of well-being (by which I'm not, repeat, not for a moment suggesting it were just "easy listening").
Whoa! What a buzzkill.
Sorry about that. I don't dislike the album. It's just a little too perfect a puzzle for my tastes.
Sorry, but it is kind of tough to like Tom Waits and Donald Fagen at the same time...I stick with Tom for perfect albums.Kind of agree with Boa2:

I don't dislike the album. It's just a little too perfect a puzzle for my tastes.

Even Steely Dan always sounded a bit too perfect for me. Not really on the "love it" side...