Double down, good or bad?

I came across this article on Atma Sphere's website:

In short, Atma Sphere believes having a power amp that is capable of doubling its power when impedance is half is not necessarily a good thing because speakers in general do not have a flat impedance across all freq range.

On paper, it does make sense. Though I am sure speaker designers take that into consideration and reduce/increase output where necessary to achieve the flatest freq response, that explains why most of the speakers measured by Stereophile or other magazines have near flat responses.

But what if designer use tube amps to design his speakers, mating them with solid state should yield higher bass output in general? Vice versa, tube amps yield less bass output at home?

I have always been a tube guy and learned to live with less bass weight/impact in exchange of better midrange/top end. Will one be better off buying the same exact amp the speakers were "voiced" with, not that it will guarantee good sound, at least not to everyone's ear.
The virtue of an amps ability to double down just might depend on the speakers on which the amp is to be used on and the amp budget of the owner of those speakers.
Rayoo makes a good point. Of course, and though it has been done before, one could argue that understating an amps power input into higher impedances is a misrepresentation and could potentialy void the warranty on a given speaker.
The virtue of an amps ability to double down just might depend on the speakers on which the amp is to be used on and the amp budget of the owner of those speakers
No, no, it's just a matter of the circuit. SS amps, by design (constant voltage), act like that. The ability is just a characteristic of the circuit.

Anyway, most SS amps do not DOUBLE down -- only their specs do: take an amp that measures 100W into 2ohms (not a bad amp that!), then spec it 50W into 4ohms & 25 into 8 ohm. This amp's selling spec is: 25W/8 ohm.
Gregm, perhaps I used the wrong words, what I meant was that the benefit of having and amp that's able to double down, just might depend on the speakers on which the amp is to be used on and the amp budget of the owner of those speakers.
No offense, but the whole "doubling down" discussion wins my award for the Most Useless Bit Of Armchair Technical Analysis . . . or the Most Misconstrewed Measurement Comparison . . . something that really shouldn't be paid hardly any attention to.

In this test, what is being compared is the the maximum power output of a given amplifier, before clipping, into a few various resistive load impedances. But there are several mechanisms by which an amplifier can be driven into clipping, so unless you know exactly how the given circuit is behaving for the test . . . the information is useless. It's even more useless when comparing two amplifiers of very different topologies (i.e. OTL tube vs. conventional emitter-follower Class AB SS), because they can behave so differently when overdriven.

Virtually all amplifiers can be driven into clipping by excessive voltage - that is, the output device(s) approach the power-supply rail(s) to the point where there simply isn't any more voltage available to transfer to the speaker. This is the case when an amplifier sees a high-impedance or open load.

But since the overwhelming majority of amplifiers use unregulated power supplies, as the load impedance to the amplifier is lowered, the power-supply rail(s) sag, which reduces the amount of voltage available. So even if the amplifier circuit was perfectly lossless, there still wouldn't be as much voltage available as the load decreased . . . thus there will be less than double the amount of power available if the load impedance is halved. THIS is how the whole "doubling-down" comparison started -- as a way to compare the power-supply robustness between similar solid-state amps.

A typical solid-state feedback amplifier has a very low output impedance, so into a "realistic" speaker load, it will indeed be the power-supply that determines its clipping output. But since we're basically testing the amplifier into two different resistive loads . . . this says NOTHING about the performance of the circuit itself into a "difficult", or reactive load.

But suppose instead of a "realistic" load . . . we're talking about a "super-demanding" load, maybe 1.5 ohms or so. For most conventional amplifiers, to drive such a load all the way to the power-supply rails puts the output devices into danger zone, so a current-limiting mechanism kicks in and makes the amplifier clip earlier. But this is still a resistive load, so we still know very little about how the circuit handles a "difficult" loudspeaker - the best we can infer is how much money was spent on the power tranformer, filter capacitors, and output silicon.

Now let's look at a single-ended Class A circuit, a la Nelson Pass. It can still voltage-clip at the supply rail with light loading, but as the load impedance is lowered, the amount of voltage available is ultimately limited by the standing current available in the output device(s) (by Ohm's Law), even assuming the power supply is perfectly regulated. So it's the "sag" in the amplifier circuit itself (that is, its high output impedance), that determines the clipping-power-vs.-load-impedance picture. And this amplifier will of course deal with a complex speaker load very differently than the conventional amplifier, but the "doubling-down" test reveals nothing about this.

The situation is very similar with a push-pull OTL amp, here (provided no feedback) the main limiting factor as the load decreases is the output tubes' plate resistance. But again, the "doubling-down" test can't reveal whether this is the result of a sagging power-supply or output stage, and says nothing about its performance into a loudspeaker load.

In a transformer-coupled tube amp the designer actually can make some trade-offs in this area - the load to the output tubes is commonly chosen to be a "sweet spot" to maximize power efficiency, while the output impedance is lowered by use of negative feedback. Thus, it will put out maximum power into the load impedance (or impedances, in the case of multiple taps) chosen by the designer. In this case, the "doubling down" test simply reveals to which output transformer tap the output leads are connected.

It seems that the real points of the Atma-Sphere "white paper" are about the disapproval of negative feedback, and tolerance of high output impedance. These are long-debated topics in audio, but the "doubling-down" test, and its discussion, is a very crude and inaccurate way of analyzing these characteristics and their effects.
Kirkus, it seems you got my point in your last paragraph. We could easily build an OTL with an output impedance of 0.1 ohms with enough feedback, but it would never sound right, and the lower output impedance would say nothing about what loads it could effectively drive.

The other aspect of the conflict of the Voltage and Power paradigms that is important here is equipment matching- any time you mix the two, you get tonal anomalies: a transistor amp driving horns for example will be shrill, a tube amp driving a set of B&W 802s will have insufficient bass.

In the case of the horns, the drivers are very reactive and the back EMF wreacks havoc in the feedback loop of the traditional transistor amp, making the presentation shrill, in the case of the B&W, the woofers are in parallel (4 ohms) and are 3 db less efficient than the 8 ohm midrange and tweeter; if a transistor amp is used it will have double the power into the 4 ohm portion of the impedance curve, thus driving the woofers with the 3 db extra needed for them to operate with the midrange and tweeter. The speaker cannot be driven properly by any amp that does not double power as impedance is halved.

There are many other examples!