Doubting Sound Treatment ?

3 years ago I purchased an 11 piece Kit from a reputable company. I noticed improvements, but wasn’t instantly blown away. Now 3 years later I took it all down for a home move. Bass definition noticeably less. Instrument placement less good. Overall coherence less. Not a as intimate. Far less enjoyable, simply put. If your on the fence, get past it. Better improvements with the treatment than most of us hope for when we change Preamp, Amp, or Speakers. Doubt no more !
Cheers ! 
Charlie you are out of your depth unless you have lost wax cast a trigger guard, swamped and rifled a blank, logged your own walnut tree and then bandmilled her down, dried it five years, stickered in natural air, etc....make your own sights because Redfields while good are not Hammerli quality, ya know low standards

but ya know in an olive branch of peace , you are welcome to come shoot an elk with my diy Hawken some day

But yes there are people who work differently some buy, etc

my apology if my post came across as denigrating

i am sure there is something I can learn from you

For the DIY set, work diffraction just as hard! As most dedicated audiophile rooms I encounter lack natural and engineered diffraction. You can build replica RPG diffuser fairly easily. 

Rack along a side wall vs centered between speakers or worse in a corner is in the valuable Jim Smith book

@sandthemall +++++
Rack along a side wall vs centered between speakers

Correct, worst thing you can do for imaging and depth perception, is have your equipment between the speakers. Speakers at least a min of .5 to 1mt in from the side wall, and as far out from the from the back wall as you can, if? you don’t need the extra bass loading the back wall can give.

Cheers George
Does anyone have firsthand experience with Acoustic Fields or knowledge of their Active Carbon absorption technology?