Room Treatment

Hello All

I have been doing some research on room treatment and am not really sure how to proceed. I am listening in a 12’x 20’ x 9’ living room with the speakers on a short wall. Have recently updated equipment and now want to extract better performance. Has anyone here had GIK advise them what products of theirs to start with?  How many people actually take room measurements before proceeding with treatment? 
I think i need to start with front corner traps, minor first reflection point treatment and at least 1 good trap on the rear wall. thoughts?  

Yes, GIK gives great advice.

You may want to consider their Soffit traps instead of corner traps. You can stand them in a corner, they are more effective, and rather pretty. They look like square columns.


Why not call gik they will give you good advice over the phone if you ask. All the best
The active ingredient in many acoustic panels is Owens Corning acoustic panel, available at many hardware stores in 2x3 ft panes of 1" or more thickness. Its a whole lot cheaper and educational to try a couple of those in different places and figure it out on your own. Frankly no professional can do any better unless they are on-site and able to hear your room. Unless you think they somehow have divine powers of observation, teleportation, or whatever. Which some here do. Not kidding. But for all the rest, DIY.

Typical places to try are first side wall reflection, front wall between speakers, and to damp flutter echo wherever two parallel walls are reflecting back and forth.

This will cost maybe $20 and take maybe an hour or so. When you get the rough idea then try cutting them to as small a size as you really need. Then finally cover with fabric.

Or pay through the nose and talk yourself into believing it was worth it.

I have GIK treatments.You can send them a picture of your room, fill out the form online and someone will get back with you to advise and get you started on the best options for your space.You don't have to take measurements,but it's helpful to actually see what is going on with the sound waves in your room.
I have GIK too.  Call them or send a pic of your room and they will tell you where to start
I've used GIK and yes, I made room measurements using REW software first.  Before you buy anything, do yourself a favor and optimize speaker and listening position before you begin adding treatments.  Simply optimizing speaker and listening position, guided by measuring responses, can do more to improve frequency response than a whole room full of treatments.   Treatments actually help most with reducing low frequency decay times, which produces articulate vocals, and treating early first reflection points, which improves imaging.   The more you can do on your own, the more you will benefit from consultation.  GIK is a great resource, but they are in business to sell, not to help you make most efficient use of your investment in treatments.   All of the companies that sell treatments offer really good tutorials and tools on their websites.  Real traps, for instance, offers a wealth of information which I encourage you to use.  But I suggest you stick with GIK for products and advice. 
As brownsfan suggests all these companies will over-sell you. Not that their products are not good but it helps if you know what you want ahead of time but doing some experimentation. Find your 1st reflection points using the mirror method and dampen them in series using cheap acoustic tile.
Dampen the front wall first then the side walls. Some people actually like the look of the tiles. Once you have it figured out you order the size and number of decorative panels you need. I am not a fan of bass traps. I have measured several rooms with and without bass traps and have not found any alteration standing wave location or intensity.
In damping the reflection points correctly you should notice that the image solidifies like a picture going into focus. Once you have the proper image you can stop. To get the best bass possible in your room get a rolling desk chair and roll your self back on forth in the area of your listening position to find the spot where the bass sounds best to you and plant your listening chair there. 
GIK is one of the highest value product providers out there. For the price of a tube trap from ASC you can treat your whole room. Also, their advice is professional level.


Thanks for feedback everyone. I will probably make some of my own panels. Gotta make em look nice for living room though. I have a vaulted ceiling and i’m sure that is not good for sound. Not sure I want to install “clouds” though. Wish i could afford a dedicated listening room to go crazy. 
I made my own simple corner absorbers several years ago out of covered Owens Corning 703. 8'x20"x4" deep, standing in four corners, they are considered more of a broadband absorber than a bass trap. I since have come to understand I can get them to absorb more of the lower frequencies by making them 6" deep, and I am also looking into putting a front diffuser pattern on them to keep some of the mid high and highs  in the room.  
ama732mx1, It makes a difference that you are dealing with a living room  where you do not have complete freedom due to a concern for aesthetics. Typically one also has limited flexibility in speaker and listening position in a living room. 

I have miserable acoustics in my living room, where having traps and panels all over the place is a non starter.   I went with a different approach in my Living Room.  There I used a Synergistic Research Black Box and about twenty SR HFTs.  I was skeptical about both of these products, but I found them surprisingly effective in improving vocal articulation which was a real problem in that room.  It was so bad it was hard to have a conversation much less enjoy music.  Even my wife, who is a complete non-believer in such things, was really impressed by the difference.    However, I evaluated them upstairs in my dedicated living room, and the SR products did absolutely nothing there.  So, if you try the SR products, make sure you have a 30 day return option.  

Finally, I picked up a Lyngdorf 2170 for use in the living room, which offers some very effective DSP using Room Perfect.  It is a really nice piece.  Not what I would have expected from a class D amp at all. 

There is more than one way to approach this.  In a dedicated room, I'd go traditional room treatment.  In a living room, I'd start with DSP and go from there in order to avoid or minimize panels and traps. 
Your vaulted ceiling is most probably a plus !!!!
do a mix of Diffuser and Absorbing, I love the look and performance of Vicoustic and RPG products but the DIY route can be quite effective 

have fun, enjoy, experiment and listen :-)
Stillpoint Apature panels 2 at the first reflection point will give you the best sound by far.Not cheap but worth every penny.