Doug....there is no doubt about it now. The Schroeder cables are the very best I’ve heard in my system. I’ve tried many levels of Cardas, Kimber, Purist, Wireworld, Audioquest (interesting to me is that the ultra high level of Signature cables was not nearly as good as their top lesser grades), etc., etc. None have the openess, dynamics, depth, etc. as your cables do....and far less money. Bravo! Perhaps each system just has its preferences...I don’t know. It takes a couple of days to find the gold, but for those who are trying it, be patient and enjoy. It was so interesting to hear the journey. At first....rolled highs, no real, but tubby bass, no air. All the sound seemed to be coming from the left speaker grill cloth. I even checked the attachments to see if I wired it correctly. I really couldn’t hear as it was changing....just a realization that the soloist was now dead center...then came the openness..... The low bass was next. I have Vandersteen 5A speakers which was set up by Vandersteen himself who proclaimed my room was just not capable of those really low tones....yet...they are now evident....they are clean, pitch specific, and fully incorporated in the sonic picture. I can go on, but I simply encourage all to try these cables in your own system.