Down to 2 speakers & I can't decide, ProAc D48R vs Spendor D9


I am a bit perplexed as to my final 2 speakers to choose from. Either the ProAc D48R or Spendor D9.
My electronics are all NAIM Audio, 252 pre / 300 DR power / n-DAC/555PS and my room is 26' x 13' x 8' open plan lounge dining room all brick walls and concrete floor with hardwood flooring. It is broken up by soft furnishings, rugs, tables, book shelfts etc. - so a little bit live sounding but not extreme.

My music choice is mostly rock, pop, blues, acoustic rock & hard rock/metal. I have listened to the D48R and was impressed, but not enough to buy it, getting a demo. of the Spendor D9 is almost impossible because of where I live.

There was a thread about these 2 speakers and a Devore but it has been deleted by the Mods. So any advice on either speaker would be most welcome.

Pete,Since you are going to demo the D9, I suggest that you do that and rely on your own experience. I have the ProAcD48R myself and love every bit of it. The D9s are probably good too, but I did not listen to them. I listened to the D7s and liked it. But the D48Rs are a completely different league - full range sound and AWESOME midrange from that ribbon tweeter.PM me if you need more information on the D48R.
Thank you all for your advice. I did demo. the PMC 25.26 and thought them excellent, until I put some less than perfect 80’s rock tracks on, and for some reason I found the treble very sibilant and irritating on a lot of vocals. Which was a real let down as they rocked hard and the musical pace and the depth and timing of the bass was magnificent.

ATC comes up a lot in these forums too, but I cannot get a demo. of these local ATM.
You really need to hear them.  One I have heard but forget, it's a very "polite" speaker  somewhat soft at the edges . Do You like that? It may match well with Naim I don't know- that's another question?
@seadog77 Do you have access to the Twenty series?  I haven't heard the Twenty5's, but reviews suggest that PMC moved them closer to the Fact series, which is definitely more "neutral".  My Twenty.24's are about "just right" on treble, forgiving enough on treble to accommodate less than ideal recordings, but far from soft.  Worth noting that the Twenty5.26 still uses the SEAS soft dome tweeter.
With what you listen to either would do very nicely and may even open your ears to other types of music.