

Responses from milpai

Dynamic Duo: T+A DAC 200 and Lumin U2 (not the mini)
Hq player seems a little confusing with reports of large delays when upscaling to higher resolutions @benzman  The filters you talk about are Sinc-L and similar. You really do not need to use those. I use ASDM7EC-fast and results are superb. A... 
Dynamic Duo: T+A DAC 200 and Lumin U2 (not the mini)
As far as HQ player, I used to have my iMac in the chain but prefer the simplicity of having the Roon Nucleus and Lumin in the chain to convert to DSD. There are number of folks who are doing this and super satisfied with the results.    
DAC recommendation for DSD input
@mintakax, I think of all the DACs mentioned above, the T+A, the Holo May and Mola Mola would be the ones to check out. I was ready to pay $$$ to those DACs that bring uniqueness to the table. I don't think you will be disappointed at any of thes... 
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.
The folks on this site seems to give too much importance to ASR. Time to move on.  
DAC recommendation for DSD input
@mintakax , For the price you have mentioned, T+A would be the best choice for a DAC that can do pure DSD. Especially because you use Rood to upsample everything to DSD 256. Try to audition that and see if you like it. Hope you get to audition a ... 
Dynamic Duo: T+A DAC 200 and Lumin U2 (not the mini)
Congratulations on the new acquisition and upgrade. Just wait till the 170+ hours mark and then let us know what you think. Since I replaced the Oppo 205 with this DAC, from day 1 I was thilled by the DAC 200's sound. But somewhere near the 170 ho... 
ProAc D20R vs Totem Forest Signature
I have heard both the speakers, but at different place and time. So cannot really compare directly. But the listening impression with the ProAc D30RS was so impressive that I decided to go with ProAcs. The new ProAcs are absolutely not bass shy. I... 
«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»
I did not watch the video. 20 years ago, we were waiting for SACD to die. Now we are waiting for audiophiles to die? Not complaining - but SACD/DSD did not die. So hoping the same for this hobby as well. Probably there are a a lot of younger fol... 
PSVANE Mfg Co replaced my older 6SN7 CV-181 TII tubes
@marco1 , If you have to buy the ART series, you should use Vivatubes. Assuming that you are based in the US. But for such a delay, Amazon let’s you cancel the order.  
PSVANE Mfg Co replaced my older 6SN7 CV-181 TII tubes
they surpass my best matched 1960s vintage Sylvania 6SN7GTs, and all of my other re-ssues 6NS7. Man, I hope these last. They are very nice sounding. This is the happy+sad part. @decooney , I am happy and disappointed with Psvane at the same t... 
Which inexpensive speaker cables...
@b_limo , will wait to hear back on your Canares experience. But happy for, since I saw a mention of “baby proof”. I am making an assumption here.  
T+A DAC200 vs. PS Audio Directstream Mk2
@koestner, I don’t have experience with the Directstream. But I can say that while the T+A DAC 200 sounds fantastic with DSD, it sounds excellent with PCM files too, especially with their Bezier 2 filter. I think most owners of this DAC are doin... 
Which inexpensive speaker cables...
@b_limo , where have you been? Long time man. Try Signal cables. These should sound good. How long should the cables be?  
Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to
OP, I have a feeling that because of your recommendations, your expectations were set too high. And your listening experience probably were not bad, but the fall from high expectations was so much that you might never like to listen to her again. ... 
HiFi Rose RD160 DAC
Ha ha ha...agreed. All the 3 seems like great choices. The USP for each is different T+A and Mola Mola for non-chip based design and the Rose for non-ESS chip based design. If DSD is important to you, then these are some of the best choices. I un...