Downsizing for Blade 2 and hunting for smaller floor standers

I live in apartments and love small , tall, thin, powerful speakers. I went from Dynaudio C2 to Blade 2 and am in absolute love with it. However, this whole thin and tall thing has scratched a new itch of me and I kept wanting to go leaner and smaller. I have thought about Beolab 28 which seems to be going for the extreme and also maybe the LS60, which feels like a downgrade in sound quality. So I wonder if there is something else I should consider to make my speaker smaller without significantly compromise full range sound quality.  


We are a kef dealer there are very few loudspeakers which can maatch the

blade twos

the blade twos will outperform any of the speakers mentioned

there is only one loudspeaker we have heard which is smaller which can rival the blade twos;

that loudspeaker is the alta audio adams

the altas throw a gigantic soundstage and produce ridiculous deep bass down to 20hz due to their patented bass loading design which combines a transmission design with an infinite baffle load

the result is very fast impactful bass out of a very compact floor stander

the altas also have remarkable clarity thanks to their state of the art ribbon tweeter and proprietary midrange driver

the adams sounded better the a 40k pair of wilson daws just amazing sound for less then 20k


at only 41 inches high this is one of the few ultra compact loudspeakers which can compete with the 

blade 2


dave and Troy 

Audio intellect NJ

kef and alta dealers 


I’ve been extraordinarily impressed with Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers with the RAAL ribbon tweeter. They are easily driven by most amps, including tube amps, and the impedance never dips below 5 ohms, nor does it swing wildly. The company is small, U.S.A., and run by nice, talented people. They have a trial period. I prefer these to others I’ve had, including ML 60 Xti, Focal 936, Dynaudio Evoke 30. They are wonderful. 


Sounds like you have the need a new toy disease. The Blades are great speakers. If you really like them it will be hard and costly to find a superior replacement. Remember since even good speakers vary a lot it matters that you pick one that has the pluses you need and doesn't have anything that bothers you. In an imperfect world balancing all the qualities of speakers that's a hard thing to do, especially if you convince yourself you need to find new speakers. Better to  live with ones you love and audition speakers over time with no commitment to buy and wait til you come across one that grabs your attention(and then take your time auditioning it over time).