

Discussions hilde45 has started

Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough?259373
Pearl Acoustics Sibelius vs. Bottlehead's Pipette2061
To Fritz, Quicksilver, and all the exceptional makers trying to get the word out456266
Freedom by Beyoncé3292
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?406297
New Steely Dan Aja89310
"The Art of Speaker Design" by Lynn Olson7854
Your journey...to Audio Note (and beyond?)5521
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?21122235
Great song by the Clash152131
Using A.I. to clean up noise from voice recordings3822
AES Video "What Does 'Accurate' Even Mean? with James D. "jj" Johnston4413
Anyone hear or own Musical Technology (Heil AMT's) speakers?118513
A.I. music 241569
For the love of...kits?212733