I’m lusting after the new WB Act 3zero, as an owner of Vectors. Price is gonna be north of the Blades, I suspect.
(Note to self: cross the Adams off my short list.)
Downsizing for Blade 2 and hunting for smaller floor standers
I live in apartments and love small , tall, thin, powerful speakers. I went from Dynaudio C2 to Blade 2 and am in absolute love with it. However, this whole thin and tall thing has scratched a new itch of me and I kept wanting to go leaner and smaller. I have thought about Beolab 28 which seems to be going for the extreme and also maybe the LS60, which feels like a downgrade in sound quality. So I wonder if there is something else I should consider to make my speaker smaller without significantly compromise full range sound quality.
+1 @hilde45 I had a pair of Ascend Acoustic Sierra towers with raal tweeters too, for like 7 years. They were absolutely wonderful, wide clear sound, not tiring, with amazing bass for their size. I just moved to larger speakers to get a more immersive sound in my then new house of stereo. And David at Ascend is the nicest owner you will ever meet. |
+1 @steakster +1 @maxwave I also think Marten Parker Trio could be perfect. I heard the small Parker Duo recently and they were great but if you want bass then the Trio should be way better.