Downsizing from Ayre MX-R monoblocks

I am looking to downsize from my previous amps, the wonderful Ayre MX-R monoblocks to an integrated amp. I want something that has the same quality and sound as the Ayre. I know the Ax-7e is an option but to be totally honest, I am not too keen on its looks. In terms of price, I would like to stay at $5K or less used. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
How about the Audio Research DSi200, it has recieved some goor reviews and from what I have heard of it in my dealers system, it sounds pretty damn good. Not sure about the synergy with Sonus Faber but it sounds great with Wilson Sophias and Vandersteen Quattros. Just a thought.
The Edge G3 is one of my favorite SS integrateds. Really floated images nicely particularly vocals, though I do not have first hand knowledge of synergy with Sonus Faber. I used with Mini Utopias with great success but ultimately preferred tubes, but great none the less. Good luck.
Good Luck with that!

Personally, I think you're going to have to make some major compromises on the sound. You're going from 300 wpc, $19K power amp monoblocks, which were combined with a $9K preamp, (for a combined total of $27K), down to a $5K integrated amp? And given the rarified air, (no pun intended), that the Ayre MX-R amps are at, (the reviews are nothing less than glowing from all reviewers!), I think you're going to need to heed some of the above advice and realize that you are not going to be as happy with anything else. If you can find any way of keeping them, I think your should, (even if that means finding something else to sell, such as a car, or stocks, or a kid or two! I am kidding, (again, no pun intended), on that last one!)

Good Luck and let us know what you decide to do!
Sounds like you already sold the the MX-R amps?

I have sold alot of gear of which I now look back on and think what a DA I was. You to can look back at this thread and think the same thoughts that I have had. WTHWIT! Intergrated amp?
No tubes, smallish 4 ohm speakers, not particularly demanding music (SET-type), effortless, $5000, integrated ...

New: Classe CAP-2100 or Plinius 9200

There's a Pass INT-150 on the listings board now but a INT-30 gets you into class A.

Also saw some Macs and a Luxman, if you like "old school" looks.