I think this is bad advice. Floorstanders are a bad idea in a small room because of their uneven in room response. Changing the electronics is unlikely to make much of an audible difference, if at all. A bit more power might help, but that is about it.
If you want to create the budget for much better speakers you could, however, sell much of the electronics, use the Sonos as a digital preamplifier, and get a beefy pro audio amplifier like the recently discontinued Yamaha Pxxxs series. See here for a real review (in French): http://www.homecinema-fr.com/forum/amplificateurs-de-puissance-haute-fidelite/mesures-ampli-yamaha-p...
I appreciate this offends many hard boiled audiophiles, but electronics make very little difference to the sound (unless tubes because their frequency response under real load is usually far from flat). Underpowered amplifiers do degrade the sound because of clipping distortion and compression.
The best speakers for the room will make an enormous difference, however, and far more than the differences between different decent quality electronics. In a room of that size I would opt for the Harbeth M30.1, with two (or four) smallish subwoofers, equalized by an Antimode 8033. Harbeths are beautifully clean and sweet.
If you want to create the budget for much better speakers you could, however, sell much of the electronics, use the Sonos as a digital preamplifier, and get a beefy pro audio amplifier like the recently discontinued Yamaha Pxxxs series. See here for a real review (in French): http://www.homecinema-fr.com/forum/amplificateurs-de-puissance-haute-fidelite/mesures-ampli-yamaha-p...
I appreciate this offends many hard boiled audiophiles, but electronics make very little difference to the sound (unless tubes because their frequency response under real load is usually far from flat). Underpowered amplifiers do degrade the sound because of clipping distortion and compression.
The best speakers for the room will make an enormous difference, however, and far more than the differences between different decent quality electronics. In a room of that size I would opt for the Harbeth M30.1, with two (or four) smallish subwoofers, equalized by an Antimode 8033. Harbeths are beautifully clean and sweet.