Driving Magnepan 1.7

For those of you who own these, I am curious as to what you are driving them with. The room they would go in is roughly 20x18 wood floor open. Amplification has not been decided yet but will be tube. just moved and dismantled my old system and want something simpler. Integrated amp or mono blocks, preamp and cd player. This is a music only system. I have a feeling the amps I am looking at may not be powerful enough but I do not want to color your answers.


Showing 2 responses by brownsfan

A little help on the type of music you listen to might help. But Philjolet is right, there is more to this than WPC. You can have a system that is very musical and satisfying, but may not offer the last word on dynamics. I really like what I have heard of manley, though I have not heard them drive Maggies.
I would not pair Krells with Maggies. It will give you an ear bleed. The Magtechs are a good suggestion, but both the old Cary 500MBs and the newer 500.1s are also great with Maggies. HIfiharv got to what I was trying to say. Tubes and Maggies can work. Israel Blume said he has customers driving maggies with coincident tube amps. Tubes should not be ruled out, but it may involve a compromise. If its a compromise you are willing to make, there you go.