Driving Magnepan 1.7

For those of you who own these, I am curious as to what you are driving them with. The room they would go in is roughly 20x18 wood floor open. Amplification has not been decided yet but will be tube. just moved and dismantled my old system and want something simpler. Integrated amp or mono blocks, preamp and cd player. This is a music only system. I have a feeling the amps I am looking at may not be powerful enough but I do not want to color your answers.


Showing 2 responses by philjolet

fwiw I used to have Maggie 1.6 and drove them with Manley Stingray (40 watts) and Rogue M120 (120 watts) and the Stingray was more lively and robust.

I am not bashing Rogue but there is something in the design of these two that made the Manley more alive.

Maybe some of the gurus around here could explain but worth looking into I think.

funny, when I bought my Maggie 1.6 I compared them to Vandy 2e Sig and easily preferred the Maggies. Way more open sounding.

different strokes...