Driving SF Extrema with one BAT VK-60 ?

One of my friend has successfully drive the Extrema with 300b push-pull tube amp. So, I'm thinking about getting a tube amp, BAT VK-60, to drive my SF Extrema even it's not using 300b. Is it a good or bad idea? Would you suggest any 300b amp that would be a good match to the Extrema?

Here is my existing equipments:
- BAT VK-D5SE CD Player
- BAT VK-5i Preamp (w/ amperex 6DJ8)
- Jeff Rowland Model 5 (150 w/ch)

I usually listen to: main-stream Jazz, smooth Jazz, classical
Thank you all for your responses.

Twilo... The 300B amp that my friend use to drive Extrema is KTA brand. It's a Push-Pull 300b amp not a Single-Ended. Before he got the 300b amp, he used the Jeff Rowland Model 5 to drive his Extremas. He told me that Extremas sound much better with 300b than JR5. He also said no matter how much power solid state amps have, no matter how good they sound, they still sound like solid state amp, not tube. I didn't mean tubes are better than SS but my taste tend toward the tube sound. That's why I want to try tube amp.
Now I'm thinking about Sonic Frontiers Power3 monos. With its power rating at 220 watts/ch, I think it should be able to handle Extremas well. Should it be a good match? How well SF tube amps do compare with other Hi-end tube amps like BAT, Cary, Jadis, Joule Electra, and VAC? Thanks for looking.

And they sound wonderful as expected. I also tried all sort of solid state (Rowland 8TiHC, McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe, Classe CA-400, Krell FPB-300). You need to give Power 3 lots of current or your Power 3 can still clip when you push your Extrema loud. Another good choice is Pass Lab X-350 which is really smooth and sweet, almost as good as the Power 3 or any tube amp and that's what I own now.
When I auditioned my Extremas I heard them on two amps. A ca 300 and a Sonic Frontiers equvilant tube amp. I found the tube amp a little mushy with the Extremas. There are of course a hundred other reasons why that may be but I am curios what kind of music you listen to.

I mostly listen to rock so I ended up with two ca 400 that I run with MIT push pull cables. You run two 2 channel amps and it uses an amp per speaker direction. The Extremas love all that power.