Driving SF Extrema with one BAT VK-60 ?

One of my friend has successfully drive the Extrema with 300b push-pull tube amp. So, I'm thinking about getting a tube amp, BAT VK-60, to drive my SF Extrema even it's not using 300b. Is it a good or bad idea? Would you suggest any 300b amp that would be a good match to the Extrema?

Here is my existing equipments:
- BAT VK-D5SE CD Player
- BAT VK-5i Preamp (w/ amperex 6DJ8)
- Jeff Rowland Model 5 (150 w/ch)

I usually listen to: main-stream Jazz, smooth Jazz, classical
Now I'm thinking about Sonic Frontiers Power3 monos. With its power rating at 220 watts/ch, I think it should be able to handle Extremas well. Should it be a good match? How well SF tube amps do compare with other Hi-end tube amps like BAT, Cary, Jadis, Joule Electra, and VAC? Thanks for looking.

And they sound wonderful as expected. I also tried all sort of solid state (Rowland 8TiHC, McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe, Classe CA-400, Krell FPB-300). You need to give Power 3 lots of current or your Power 3 can still clip when you push your Extrema loud. Another good choice is Pass Lab X-350 which is really smooth and sweet, almost as good as the Power 3 or any tube amp and that's what I own now.
When I auditioned my Extremas I heard them on two amps. A ca 300 and a Sonic Frontiers equvilant tube amp. I found the tube amp a little mushy with the Extremas. There are of course a hundred other reasons why that may be but I am curios what kind of music you listen to.

I mostly listen to rock so I ended up with two ca 400 that I run with MIT push pull cables. You run two 2 channel amps and it uses an amp per speaker direction. The Extremas love all that power.